kingsnvagabonds wrote in valdez_media Aug 09, 2009 12:45
photos by shane, shane
kingsnvagabonds wrote in valdez_media Jul 15, 2009 00:09
shane's twittering, photos by shane, by shane
jenepherre wrote in valdez_media Nov 29, 2008 12:57
current projects by shane, photos of shane, panic at the disco, photos, photos by shane, shane, videos by shane
fetchastereo_x wrote in valdez_media Nov 21, 2008 16:21
live in chicago, current projects by shane, panic at the disco, photos, a picture with books, photos by shane, by shane
kingsnvagabonds wrote in valdez_media Jul 19, 2008 04:36
photos of shane, videos, photos, photos by shane, video of shane, shane
kingsnvagabonds wrote in valdez_media May 27, 2008 17:28
panic at the disco, photos, keltie, photos by shane, by shane